Thursday, November 28, 2019

Facebook Usage in Business

Introduction Information Technology (IT) is becoming a fundamental requirement for people with desires to align with the modern world. It has been established in a multidimensional perspective that incorporates a variety of fields. These advances in IT are facilitated by mass media, cloud and mobile computing, business analytic, and social media among others (Voss, 2011).Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Facebook Usage in Business specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Apparently, the development of IT will continue integrating, advancing and producing quality outcomes. Social media are among the most developing areas in IT. It has contributed significantly to socialization, information dispersion, advertisement, sales, and business development among others. Consequently, this analysis report will pay particulate attention to social media (Facebook) that have enabled business development. Facebook Description F acebook is a social network that allows interaction of signed users. It was implemented by Mark Zuckerberg in the year two thousand and four (Decarie, 2010). The initial target was to enable students’ interaction in universities. However, the development of the network assumed a broad dimension that facilitated global interactions. A person registers for free and meets friends from various backgrounds for interaction. It allows users to post ideas, comment, request friendship, create pages, and chat among others. It has managed to collect users throughout the globe since 2004. Furthermore, Facebook has brought people together for communication and interaction. They allow businesses to advertise their products and services through a section referred to as the business page. Facebook has a patent that allows partnership with other profit making organizations. This depicts that there are opportunities to develop businesses through this popular network. In fact, most businesses h ave identified the opportunities and applied them for developmental purposes. Current Capabilities Popularity of Facebook has managed to bring people together and allow business activities. These services are being offered for free to users. Consequently, it can unite many people regardless of social class and distance between them. The large number of people logging into Facebook facilitates the advertisement and announcement through social sites. Consequently, it can collect worldwide data and information to display the prevailing issues. It is potential of accessing the globe and retrieving information in a fast manner. For instance, the arising issues about violence appear in Facebook within minutes. People post current issues freely without the necessity of confirmation.Advertising Looking for research paper on communications media? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More In the recent Boston bombing, people were able to distrib ute the threats and suspicious activities throughout the globe. Consequently, people understood conversely about the exact occurrences at the place of bombing. Finally, it has the capacity to restrict information meant for specified people. Facebook can prevent people to access confidential information. This could be facilitated by the request of the posting user. Strengths Marketing is an area that relies on advertisements facilitated partly by the social media (Waters et al, 2009). Facebook accommodates more than one billion users worldwide. This epic tally enhances mass operation especially where many ideas area required at once. The visits made to the website facilitate sales of goods and services. In fact, Facebook redirects to partner businesses for selling reasons. The trust created by Facebook facilitates sales and development of other businesses. For instance, Facebook can influence the income of key businesses such as Safaricom. The distribution of Facebook throughout the globe allows fast and efficient spread of information. In the United States, it is apparent that politics rely on Facebook. Also, many other civilized nations are applying Facebook to disseminate political ambitions. Facebook has achieved a criterion to facilitate business competition. Price advertisement is the most prevailing factor of this competition. This allows people to buy products after comparing prices and qualities. Finally, Facebook can facilitate mass survey for research activities. Weaknesses However, it must be noted that Facebook is not liable for individual posts. The accuracy of information posted on Facebook might be misleading. Therefore, conciseness of information posted on this site relies on the posting party. For instance, if a company claim to offer products at cheap prices, the definition of cheap would be on the hands of the buyer and the company. Facebook is facing competition from other social medias such as Twitter and Google plus. Also, accessing Faceb ook requires the user to pay the server. Additionally, since Facebook is not a search engine, people might prefer to join the advanced Google plus media. People can try to make fake Facebook pages with similar appearances to confuse users and hark their sites. Another, unexceptional weakness involves wastage of time. If students and children do not manage Facebook appropriately, it could consume their time and arrest the prioritized activities. Near-Term Expansion The development of Facebook is mitigating many loops about new opportunities and techniques (Mangold Faulds, 2009). For instance, there are developments that were made recently about the Facebook Exchange. This development is expected to integrate marketing through Facebook. It is targeted that a company/business will have signed customers. The customers will be able to buy products from this page.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Facebook Usage in Business specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The development of Facebook Exchange is being tested and will be available after some time. The expansion of Facebook does not rely solely on the website. The headquarters have targeted to employ 1000 new workers to operate on the site. This implies that there are additional infrastructure and facilities required for this expansion. The number of new registrations is increasing in a geometric manner. Consequently, there will be an expansion of the members signed to the site. Adoption to Safaricom Safaricom limited is a Kenyan company that runs a variety of profit making activities. The company has been providing mobile networks since 1997. It has managed to establish shops and integrate its services in many dimensions. Safaricom’s profits are related partially to social media including Facebook. Advertisements Advertisements allow Safaricom to reach customers worldwide. Customers and other people are granted the opportunity to a ccess information. Safaricom has a Facebook page that allows people to check for the offer on call rates, data bundles and products. This familiarity allows people to identify the opportunities that could arise from Safaricom. It increases the income due to increment of purchases performed. The page shows the popularity of Safaricom limited due to the comments made on their Facebook wall and credible attitude designated by the ‘likes’ (Kirk, 2010). The page allows customers to ask questions through a messaging systems and receive adequate reply. In some instances, the advertisements include direction and privacy policies to enlighten customers about their operations. In product advertisements, Safaricom assesses customer and announces their appealing product to people. For instance, there were advertisements made about phones. Ideos were the most selling phone brands for 2 years in Kenya. The popularity of this product arose due advertisement through social and msass me dia. Socialization This aspect mitigates Safaricom to apply the most sociable sites that can unite people. Apparently, the integrity and trust of Safaricom lies squarely on interactions with Kenyans. Facebook offers Safaricom the opportunity to integrate its ideas with people. In fact, people from all over the globe could access Facebook and its services without going to the headquarters. The interactions allow them to present their services, such as study mode, to customers. Also, open channel for socialization allows the potential customers to integrate their abilities explicitly and gain attraction from Safaricom services. This is because there are other existing companies offering similar services to the country. These companies include Zain, Yu and Orange. This field of competition has been described explicitly under the section of competition in a following paragraph.Advertising Looking for research paper on communications media? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Competition Facebook has created a desire for many companies, including those competing with Safaricom, to engage in social media (Lerner, 2011). Consequently, a business that disregards the social media is assumed odd. This influences the income and popularity of the business. It could have influenced Safaricom to create a page showing how people are attracted to its services. Otherwise, the comments that customers provide are critical for modifications and expansions (Dickson Eckman, 2008). Safaricom manages to post its financial analysis to the social media. This depicts their apparent strategies in conducting business. Ideologies Facebook allows Safaricom to evaluate customers throughout the globe. The fast and easy services allow customers to provide comments about how they perceive Safaricom services. This facilitates modifications of their services and cautiousness when operating. For instances, it was established recently that there was a crying need for clients to share da ta bundles. This arose from the continued comments and complaints about internet sharing. Therefore, it can be identified that Facebook played a vital role of determining the needs of people. Other forums allow Safaricom to post questionnaires that can be answered by well-wishers through Facebook. Additionally, there are questions that Facebook creates to facilitate rating of business services. Safaricom services have been rated to lay the bases and trust in services and products. However, Facebook has shown the areas that Safaricom needs to modify when providing services to customers. For instance, what if the support center did not cater for customers conveniently? Individuals have been fired from jobs due to their disrespect on customers through call and Facebook support centers. Browsing Safaricom makes profits when people buy airtime to browse and chat on Facebook. Active users must ensure that they have data bundles to maintain the Facebook account online. Therefore, users buy airtime and raise the income of Safaricom. In Kenya, the development of these social sites triggered Safaricom to develop a daily internet bundle. The daily bundles vary from five to twenty Kenyan shillings. Additionally, this development triggers Kenyans to buy phones that can browse Facebook. Consequently, Safaricom developed shops to sell phones, laptops, modems, and electronic accessories among others. Therefore, it could be concluded that Facebook has led to the development of Safaricom through browsing charges. Messaging Facebook Safaricom has integrated the use of Facebook through messaging. Individuals without browsing devices can use Facebook through sending messages. These messages are sent from the Safaricom network. Therefore, charges are incurred to cater for the services being offered by Safaricom. This messaging Facebook allows the use of Facebook to every person owning a phone. In Kenya, 70% of the total country population own phones that can reply to messages. Cons equently, Safaricom’s income from messaging services is increased due to the increased number of Facebook users. Security Facebook and Safaricom have a mutual share of identity. Irregularities identified under browsing of unidentified individuals are established and defined under the Safaricom customer databases. For instance, if a person uses Facebook to cyberbully another individual, Safaricom provides records of all customer registered to use the internet. Consequently, Facebook and Safaricom can assist each other to eradicate illegal activities. Facebook users comply with the companies policies that disregard illegal activities. The registered name must represent a real person (Kim, Choi, 2007). Therefore, Safaricom allows registration of customers to the website through Facebook account. This simplifies the process of signing up to a Safaricom account. When customers increase, it is expected that profits will rise proportionally. The relationship between Safaricom and F acebook achieves attainment of trust due to their high rating. Privacy Facebook privacy keeps Safaricom confident when posting and serving customers through its channel. The privacy allows Safaricom to secure the contents of customers and their activities. Customers are, therefore, confident when sharing through the website. They are aware that their private issues will not be accessed by third parties. Legal activities require companies to provide the exact requirements and services offered. These policies are signed to ensure that a court of law can be involved in cases of dispute. It is, therefore, promising when both Safaricom and Facebook have a privacy policy to protect customers. In case a customer is offended by the companies, the legal necessities can isolate the mistakes and charge the party concerned. This makes Safaricom and Facebook trustworthy to the customers. This development boosts Safaricom when operating and serving the customers appropriately. Suggestions and Com ments This area has valid and practical implications to the development of Safaricom limited. They gather information from Kenyans and other people from the globe to develop the business. Safaricom remains updated about the occurrences of every day. This allows abrupt response before customers are lost. Otherwise, if customers remain dissatisfied without any responsive measure towards the dissatisfaction, other businesses will join the market. The suggestions allow Safaricom to evaluate the mood of people and determine the best strategies of fixing issues in accordance to the suggestions. Attraction becomes evident when a need is addressed. Customers appreciate that their voice matters to the business operations. Facebook facilitates this assessment at a fast rate and on a wide area. The media can manage to collect ideas from a million people in different countries. Conclusion Advancements of information technology are prevalent and exposed throughout the globe (Kaplan Haenlein, 20 10). This growth has been facilitated significantly by social media. Facebook has dispersed well throughout the world. It could be used to develop businesses and trigger other developments in information technology. The growth of Facebook could assume a bigger dimension than the one that we experience today. However, it is through determination and desires to test/apply ideas that these establishments become successful. Developers and other liberal minded people should establish bases to allow prosperity of businesses such as Safaricom. Also, businesses should recognize Facebook and design strategies to develop it towards their advantage. References Decarie, C. (2010). Facebook: Challenges and Opportunities for Business Communication Students. Business Communication Quarterly, 73(4), 449-452. Dickson, M. A., Eckman, M. (2008). Media Portrayal Of Voluntary Public Reporting About Corporate Social Responsibility Performance: Does Coverage Encourage Or Discourage Ethical Management? Jo urnal of Business Ethics, 83(4), 725-743. Kaplan, A. M., Haenlein, M. (2010). Users of the world, unite! The challenges and opportunities of Social Media. Business Horizons, 53(1), 59-68. Retrieved from Kim, S. W., Choi, C. J. (2007). Habits, Self-Control and Social Conventions: The Role of Global Media and Corporations. Journal of Business Ethics, 76(2), 147-154. Kirk, H. (2010). How Social Media Are Changing The Face Of Business. Leader to Leader, 2010(57), 59-60. Lerner, T. (2011). Friends in Online Places: Business and Social Media. Strategic Direction, 27(10), 19-22. Mangold, W. G., Faulds, D. J. (2009). Social media: The new hybrid element of the promotion mix. Business Horizons, 52(4), 357-365. Retrieved from Voss, C. (2011). Social-Media-Tipps Den Vertrieb. Sales Business, 20(9), 32-34. Waters, R. D., Burnett, E., La mm, A., Lucas, J. (2009). Engaging stakeholders through social networking: How nonprofit organizations are using Facebook. Public Relations Review, 35(2), 102-106. Retrieved from This research paper on Facebook Usage in Business was written and submitted by user Hazel George to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Is Perception Reality essays

Is Perception Reality essays A few years ago I moved to Arizona. I was to be the office manager of a Real Estate Appraisal firm. Unbeknown to me the Company owed back taxes to Internal Revenue Service. The IRS came in and seized all of the Companies bank accounts and assets. All of a sudden I had to scramble to find a new job. I did not immediately find work as an appraiser but took a job with the Arizona Department of Corrections. What I thought to be true and what the reality was; were two different things. I believed that the individuals incarcerated were being punished and were not able or allowed to do much of anything. Additionally, I believed that they basically sat in a jail cell and read books, drew pictures or wrote letters. I also believed that they were law abiding while in prison. In other words, I believed that they were limited in not being able to break the law. Additionally, I assumed they had virtually no contact with the outside world. I completed some training in self-defense, first aid, conflict resolution, Radio Communications, etc. I was then sent to Cell Block 6 AKA Death Row. This is where my perceptions began to give way to reality. I found that almost every inmate (as called by officers and staff) had a Television and that free cable was provided with many movie channels available. Most had stereos with many CDs. They were required however, to wear headphones while listening to their music. I was surprised to find that the law mandated many privileges to the incarcerated individuals. Three hot meals a day were served the inmates. Also, family members could send them care packages at Christmas up to about 100 lbs., containing homemade food and clothing items. In addition, there is a prison store that the Incarcerated could order items from. A ...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Find a issue and two reasons Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Find a issue and two reasons - Essay Example Nonetheless, poverty is a social phenomenon, which is experienced in all countries, including the developed and developing countries. The social phenomenon of poverty is not as simple as it might appear. This is a complex phenomenon, which is complicated. Therefore, it is has proved challenging to provide a universal definition of this phenomenon. In addition, it is also complicated and challenging to discover the real causes of poverty. Different scholars studying this phenomenon have identified differing causes, and most have disagreed on which ones to term as the main causes of this phenomenon (Lusted 12). Nonetheless, some of the main factors considered to cause poverty include unequal distribution of resources in the society, and environmental degradation. Unequal distribution of resources makes some people to be termed rich, and others poor. Therefore, the group of people with limited access to resources will experience poverty. On the other hand, environmental degradation will affect those people who solely rely on the environment for natural resources. Farmers, anglers, are affected negatively by environmental degradation, therefore, making them poor (Fight Poverty n.p.). Nonetheless, the phenomenon of poverty is important in the world today, as through tis, the distribution patterns of wealth and resources can be traced. This would therefore, help most sociologists understand other social issues in different countries, with regard to their poverty levels. Sociologists and Anthropologists argue that poverty is a phenomenon that has existed throughout history, even before the recorded history. This is because the element of social stratification is inherent in the human society. Therefore, status, wealth, and power are all unequally distributed in society, even in the prehistoric times. Poverty is real and has been existent in the world over the past centuries. According to the records of the United Nations, poverty exists in most continents. In addition , Anthropologists and sociologists have traced poverty to the ancient eras, including the early periods of civilization. In addition, poverty is evident during the colonial era, according to sociologists. Today, the phenomenon of poverty is more prevalent in the third-world countries. Most African countries are stricken with poverty as shown by the increased deaths due to hunger, as well as increased immortality rates. Most poor African countries have therefore, benefited from considerable amount of aid and relief from the West (WHO n.p.). On the other hand, in most developed countries, the government supports the few poor countries through financial assistance. Homelessness in both developed and developing countries is an evidence of poverty in those countries. Poverty is a problematic phenomenon, considering it is among the social phenomena that humankind has failed to address. Poverty is detrimental, but no strategy over the years, has been instrumental in eliminating it. Nonethe less, between environmental degradation and unequal distribution of resources, unequal distribution of resources in society is the most valid cause of poverty. If all people in society would access wealth in the same measure, then there would not exist the phenomenon of poverty (Fight Poverty n.p.). Environmental degradation has existed for the past few decades, and there has been awareness about this aspect, which generally bears negative consequences for human beings. It is argued that environmental deg

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Small Scales Industries in Developing Nations Essay

Small Scales Industries in Developing Nations - Essay Example The United States, and many other countries developed so far, have explored all channels in ensuring that their nations depends solely not on foreign goods entirely, but created many avenues for since many years have developed in all sector of the economy and thus have less dependence on other nation in terms of importing large items, but their Industries of different calibers were put into rapid development. This nation's that developed in terms of Industrialization have begun since many years through establishing Small Scales Industries, and thereafter the transformed these Industries to modern and highly advanced ones with modern innovations and technicalities. These positive approached they attached to Small Scales Industries has made their nations economically advanced indeed. Japan is yet another country which in many years back was among countries that were having Small Scales Industries. However, in recent years, the country has achieved very significantly toward the transformations of its Industrial sector from Small Scales, to developed industrialized nation. But what is the historical concept of Small Scale Industri... Why for many years Small Scale Industries in developing nations could not yield positive results What are their constraints Why Small Scale Industries in developing nations instead of having being increasing in numbers but always reducing in numbers as a result of closures Who is to blame, the government of these countries, experts, or elites How the problems facing Small Scale Industries in developing nations can be solved And how can these Industries be transformed to developed ones These and other questions will be answered in this research. Methodology: This will include a collection of theories, concepts and ideas on how the Small Scale Industries are established in developing nations, with compares with those in developed nations. These include scholarly written in books, articles, journals and many other related field which can bring out the authentic facts on the subject matter. Most of the research materials will be found in search machine, where books, journals, interviews, articles and features can also be found. ABOUT SMALL SCALE INDUSTRY IN DEVELOPING NATION Definition: (Sarbajeet K. Sen) "A small-scale industry has been defined as those units that have investment in plant and machinery of up to" (Sarbajeet K. Sen) "Under the medium-scale sector would enable the Government and other authorities to work out definite plans for funding and promoting the industries falling under the category and nurturing them to grow into stronger and larger entities in the long run". "Developing Country Entrepreneurs need small scale industries to drive their development. The USA, the greatest industrial nation in the world, began its development with horse power, water power and low tech equipment, often made within the

Monday, November 18, 2019

Case Study Wk7 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Case Study Wk7 - Essay Example i.e 1,000,000. The duration of the television campaign will be one month, three times a week, shown before the most preferred shows like soap operas, the newspaper campaign will last one month, it will appear on Sunday newspapers, the magazines campaign will last one month and the print advertisement will appear to men and women magazines, the radio spots campaign will last 22 days and it will appear during the afternoon news and finally, the billboards campaign will last 23 days and it will be shown on the main roads of the city. The goals of the media campaign will be reaching as many people of the targeted audience as possible. Therefore radio and TV as well as newspapers and magazines are used. The main focus will be on the first three months of the year since it is the period when people decide to buy more clothes (sales period). The targeted groups watch mass media. The print advertisements in the magazines will be set in the last page whereas in the newspapers the print advertisements will be set at the life style section. Television spots will be shown before soap operas and radio spots will be played during the afternoon news when most of the people are on the road. Spot Thompson is the advertising company that provides the company with useful statistics regarding the target groups. The statistics concern the TV and Radio shows that the target audience prefers the newspapers and magazines that it reads etc. The media plan is based on the date that Spot Thompson has provided to the

Friday, November 15, 2019

Impact of Ethnicity on Politics

Impact of Ethnicity on Politics Introduction: The concept of Ethnic Identity and the resulting Politics is a somewhat recent development. History is full of examples where certain ethnic group got together and won over other ethnic groups for exploiting and snatching the assets of the other group. The battle for supremacy has exploited the ethnic ties in groups for their own benefit. The American Civil War – as is evident today – is a variation of this type of conflict. The crusades undertaken by Christians – however unchristian that may be – is also coming under this category. Today the politicians are roping in ethnic groups to strengthen their rank and file so that they can exploit the number game of today. The invasion of India by Babur, the first Moghul Emperor, was an ethnic groups’ invasion of a foreign land where the things needed by the group were available. The Moghul Empire, after a shaky start, lasted out for a few centuries. Hence, the fact Ethnic psychology played a significant role in shaping the history of the world is common knowledge. However, there must be something more in these group affiliations which is beyond religion, caste, creed or even culture. This paper examines the possibility of some basic reasons like economics, common threats, recurring frustrations or uncertainty factors which evolve an ethnic group and their contribution for stimulating political activities. Discussion: Every ethnic group shares not only a culture, religion, caste system etc but they also face certain common hostilities, frustrations and drawbacks which they want to overcome. These days there is no way other than politics by which they can make their statement heard and acknowledged by the concerned people. In the past whenever there was any common threat to a group they combined under an umbrella which later came to be called an ethnic group. In most of the cases it was religion but fact remains the group maintained solidarity by some thread only to fight against the threat facing them. There have been a number of ‘terrorist attacks’ all around the globe and in almost all these cases the roots are traceable to certain factions of a religion. The threats faced by these groups are numerous but it cannot be denied that the ethnicity factor had become dormant and the political ambition has become dominant. A case in point is that of the Gorkhas in the eastern part of India. It is well known that the Gorkhas are Mongoloid in origin but as far as religion goes most of them are either Hindus or Buddhists. They have an identity of their own but are supposed to play a secondary role in the body politic of India in general and West Bengal in particular. They claim to be affiliated to certain tribes and have been living in the remote hilly area for generations. Some clans are traceable to Chine uplands and are just not compatible to the society and culture of the main land India. These people, who have earned distinction by their services under the Royal British Army, have a very gallant regiment under the Indian Army. They are known to be very tough and brave in all assignments they are given. Yet they have started feeling that, outside the Indian Armed Forces, they are being deprived of their rightful claim to all the facilities due to them. As far as education goes they are not given any preference, all the important jobs in their home country of Darjeeling and adjoining areas are being given to the main land people. Thus they are now demanding that they should be giving a separate state under the Indian Constitution where they will be able to protect the interest of the hill people. This is a glaring example of ethnic politics. This ethnic group is trying to maintain its identity by resorting to politics whereby they are trying to protect the interest of the ethnic Gorkhas. In the past they have used all the means available to them – strikes, non-cooperation, work stoppages and even violence in many cases so that their demands are at least heard if not met. The situation has become so serious that the tourist traffic to the hills has plummeted to the rock bottom causing great harm to the state’s exchequer. However for the last forty years they have been given no consideration at all and the successive state governments have only made a mockery of their demands. Tall promises have been made but not a single action has been initiated for addressing their demands – most of which are towards protecting the rights of the ethnic Gorkha. The cultural background of the Gorkha people is significantly different from that of the main land population. Their way of life, social bonding and group affiliation has ensured that they project themselves as a different lot and therefore the ethnic political actions have created a significant impact on the total nation. People all over the country have slowly but surely started realising that the Gorkha people have a point to state. The major political parties are trying to woo their support in gaining advantage and clout in all local elections and other related issues. Thus they are now on the threshold making a big impact on the Indian political scene. Due to their geographical location they cannot think of going with the Chinese set up and the Indian politics has been dragging its feet in giving them their rightful claim. The ethnic identity has led to a significant polarisation of the political forces and may be in some occasion in the not too distant a future the identity of the Gorkhas are accepted and accommodated in the body politic of the Indian sub continent. When this long awaited eventuality takes shape it will once again vindicate the thinking that ethnic identity has a significant role to play in the political ambience of a place. The present day Gorkha movement is a clear validation of the existence of ethnic identity influence on the political development of an area. It may once again be recalled that the visible and manifested problems of the Gorkha people are just an expression of their frustration and anger at being deprived of the due facilities which is their rightful claim. The ethnic display of social bonds, cultural affinities and religious leanings are all but a manifestation of basically economic factors. This has been mobilised into an ethnic identity for influencing the politics of the place. Conclusion: The involvement of ethnic issues into creating any political identity is as old as history. However the truth is that the form and feel of such identity Politics on ethnic grounds has undergone a metamorphosis over time. The social, political, cultural, and racial aspects are all traceable to some common threat and frustration faced by the people. Such instances are countless in all countries but the issue of Gorkha people fighting to have their home land (on which certain knowledgeable write-ups were available) was chosen to highlight the main issues in the ethnic identity in politics. Here also the underlying reason for such consolidation of peoples will, could be traced to essentially economic and deprivation issues. Thus so long there are reasons to feel frustrated people will unite – amongst others – under the ethnic identity and try to wrench out political advantage from the authorities. Crowding under the ethnic banner for an identity and visibility will continue to be a dominant force in shaping the political situation of the world in the days to come.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Essay --

Prior to my enrollment in this class, I did not have exposure or any type of familiarity with the Zen tradition. The uniquely Japanese branch of Buddhism has indeed flourished, and focuses on eliminating the sources of human suffering, or in other words, dukkha. On its simplest level, the effect on the development of this Japanese-Buddhist culture continues to resonate among its followers, as it did approximately 2500 years ago. However, there is a question that remains to an even larger extent. How actually did Zen come to influence not only the worlds of art, literature, and architecture, but also popular culture and Western life? The connection involving Zen and art is incredibly mystifying, because upon examination Zen art itself appears to be very modern. Shunryu Suzuki explains that â€Å"Zen practice is the direct expression of our true nature† (32). He also mentions â€Å"when you practice Zen, you become one with Zen† (49). Fully exposing ourselves to foreign n otions may be strange, but at which point is it that Zen transcends into art? As said by an unknown essayist, Zen is the â€Å"spiritual journey towards enlightenment, known as satori, an awakening that is achieved through the realization that one is already an enlightened being† (1). In keeping with my previous question, traditional arts do have roots in the Zen tradition. In order to reach enlightenment, one has to find meaning within the scope of their everyday experiences. It is not particularly useful to create something new or search for significance in other objects. As day to day life is a component of Zen teaching, and there may be artistry well in the midst of routinal activities. Perhaps art is a guiding tool for those individuals who seek enlightenment. Therefore, the ... its boundaries† (Hoover 9). We hesitate to take a step back, look at the whole picture, and regain full composure. After all we are the products of lifetime conditioning, as it relates to our emotional and thought patterns. All living beings try to avoid misfortune, except that negative emotions come from the mind and are nonexistent. Zen reminds me of the complete need for restraint and patience. You have to begin at one point and embrace life’s unique experiences as they come. When an individual is captivated and enthralled with the Zen practice, art is clearly an expression of their enlightenment. Zen artists, similar to Ranzan Shoryu, are not consumed by the lavish appearances of their art forms. The religion and religious art are interdependent, and may as well define each other. To find nirvana, is there not a need for disruption in interdependence though?

Sunday, November 10, 2019

The Concert

The Concert The Third Day concert in April 2012 brought a sold out crowd of over 3000 people to Joplin’s Memorial Hall. When the ushers finally opened the doors people were lined up down the street. People flooded into the lobby where the band’s merchandise was being sold. The merchandise was set out on eight tables that were arranged in a U-shape against the entire back wall. The wall behind the tables was lined with t-shirts and hats. Half of the people were buying merchandise, and those who weren’t were at one of the two concession stands that were at either end of the lobby.The lobby smelled like an outdoor barbeque from the hamburgers that were being cooked on the grill. Music was playing softly, but all the people talking made it hard to hear. Slowly, people funneled into the auditorium to find their seats. The auditorium was huge. It had a lower level and a balcony. The center of the auditorium was full of seating for the VIP’s. The auditorium was a bout three quarters full when the band started. The lights went dim and the stage filled with smoke. You could hear the beat from the drums, but you could not see the drummer.The guitarist started playing. It was so loud it shook the walls. When the lead singer started singing, the crowd went nuts. They were yelling and chanting his name,† Mac, Mac, Mac. † Finally the smoke started to dissipate and the band was on stage dressed in torn jeans and flannel shirts. After the first song, Mac introduced the rest of the band. Each member did a short to showcase their skills. The next three songs were hit songs from their most recent album. The audience showed their approval into by waving their hands and singing with the music.To keep the audience involved in the show, Mac would hold the microphone toward the audience and have them sing the. Suddenly, everything went dark. It was so dark people couldn’t see the person next to them. Then a small light emerged in the middl e of the floor. The light grew brighter and brighter. Until it was recognizable as a make-shift camp fire. The music started again softly, and then got louder and louder. The band walked to the camp fire playing acoustic instruments. They stood around the fire playing older songs from their first albums, even playing songs that were never released.Eventually the band went back on stage and played their last few songs. They thanked the audience for a good night and left the stage. The people started chanting the band’s name over and over, hoping for an encore. The band finally returned to the stage and played one final song. The concert was finally over and everyone tried to leave at the same time. The front lobby was packed tight with people trying to get to the doors. The large number of people in the small building made for a long wait to leave, but ultimately, everyone got outside and was able to continue their evenings.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Writing an IEP, An Individual Education Program

Writing an IEP, An Individual Education Program The individual education program- more generally known as an IEP- is s a written plan that describes the program(s) and special services a student requires to be successful. It is a plan that ensures that proper programming is in place to help the student with special needs to be successful at school.   If students with special needs are to achieve the academic curriculum or an alternative curriculum to the best of their ability and as independently as possible, the professionals involved in the delivery of their programming must have a plan in place. When writing an IEP, you need to include specific elements to satisfy legal requirements and to provide the best educational plan possible for the student. Elements of the IEP The IEP must contain  the students  present level of educational performance, the  results of any evaluations and tests,  special education and related services  to be provided,  accommodations and modifications to be provided for the student, supplementary aids and services, annual goals for the student, including how they will be tracked and measured, an explanation of how the student will participate in general education classes (the least restrictive environment), and the date the IEP will go into effect, as well as a transportation plan and extended school year services if applicable. IEP Goals The IEP goals should be developed with the following criteria: specificrealisticattainablemeasurablechallenging Before setting goals the team must first determine the present level of performance using various assessment tools, the needs must be clearly and specifically defined. When determining IEP goals consider the students classroom placement, is the student in the least hindering environment. Do the goals coordinate with the regular classroom activities and schedules and do they follow the general curriculum? After the goals have been identified, it is then stated how the team will help the student to achieve the goals, this is referred to as the measurable part of the goals. Each goal must have a clearly stated objective for how, where and when each task will be implemented. Define and list any adaptations, aides or supportive techniques that may be required to encourage success. Clearly explain how progress will be monitored and measured. Be specific about time frames for each objective. Expect goals to be achieved at the end of an academic year. Objectives are skills required to achieve the desired goal, objectives should be accomplished in shorter intervals. Team Members: IEP team members are parents of the student, special education teacher, classroom teacher, support workers, and outside agencies involved with the individual. Each member of the team plays a vital role in the development of a successful IEP. Education Program Plans can become overwhelming and unrealistic. A good rule of thumb is to set one goal for each academic strand. This enables the teams manageability and accountability to ensure that resources are available to help the individual achieve the desired goals. If the student IEP meets all of the students needs and is focused on skills for success, results and outcomes, the student with special needs will have every opportunity for academic achievement no matter how challenging their needs may be. Example of an IEP John Doe is a 12-year-old boy presently placed in a regular grade 6 classroom with special education support. John Doe is identified as ‘Multiple Exceptionalities’. A Pediatric assessment determined that John meets criteria for Autistic Spectrum Disorder. Johns anti-social, aggressive behavior, prevent him from achieving academic success. General Accommodations: Supervision for Non-Instructional TimeAttention/Focusing CuesSpecial Arrangements for Arrival/DepartureUse of Preferred Learning StyleSmall Group InstructionIn-Class Peer Tutor AssistanceReview, Retest, Re-EvaluateReduce Visual or Auditory DistractionsScribing or Oral ReportingLength of Time for Assessments/Assignments Annual Goal: John will work towards controlling compulsive and impulsive behavior, which negatively affects the learning of self and others. He will work towards interacting and responding to others in a positive way. Behavior Expectations: Develop skills to manage anger and resolve conflict appropriately. Develop skills to accept responsibility for self. Demonstrate dignity and respect for self and others. Develop a foundation for healthy relationships with peers and adults. Develop a positive self-image. Strategies and Accommodations Encourage John to verbalize his feelings. Modeling, role play, rewards, consequences using the assertive discipline approach. One-to-one teaching as required, one-to-one Educational Assistant support as required and relaxation exercises. Direct teaching of social skills, acknowledge and encourage acceptable behavior. Establish and use  consistent classroom routine, prepare for transitions well in advance. Keep as predictable a schedule as possible. Make use of computer technology where possible, and ensure John feels he is a valued member of the class. Always relate classroom activities to timetable and agenda. Resources/frequency/location Resources:  Classroom Teacher, Education Assistant, Integrations Resource Teacher. Frequency: daily as required. Location:  regular classroom, withdraw to  resource room  as required. Comments:  A program of expected behaviors and consequences will be established. Rewards for expected behavior will be given at the end of an agreed upon time interval. Negative behavior will not be acknowledged in this tracking format but will be identified to John and to home through a communication agenda.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Opinated Youth Offendera

Opinated Youth Offendera Should the government toughen up on homicide charges against teenagers? This question is being debated amongst many, especially recently last month in West Palm Beach, Florida. A fourteen-year-old youth was convicted of shooting his "favorite" teacher. He was sentenced to 28 years in prison without parole, which re-ignited the controversy over appropriate punishment for youngsters convicted on homicide charges. In addition to his sentence, Brazill was given two years of house arrest and five years of probation afterwards.Palm Beach County Judge Richard Wennet sentenced Nathaniel Brazill to three years more than the mandatory minimum as the teen. Nathaniel was shackled and clad in a red jail jumpsuit. Standing there staring straight ahead, showing very little emotion, he was awaiting his fate to be handed down to him.Brazill's sentence for killing seventh-grade teacher Barry Grunow sparked immediate debate, with the victim's relatives contending it was too lenient and some child advoc ates declaring that long sentences for young offenders take the criminal justice system back "100 years."English: This 1885 photograph shows pioneers stand...

Monday, November 4, 2019

MGT 501 MoD 5 Cases Managing the Organization Essay

MGT 501 MoD 5 Cases Managing the Organization - Essay Example Highly skilled personnel are the most important valuable of a business enterprise. Qualified workers enable the tasks and the objectives of the company to be achieved appropriately thus putting the organization to a benchmark of great level of success. These goals are ultimately achieved through effective coordination as spelled out in an organization structure that the company might prefer (Buhler, 2008). The type of structure and design a company might opt for, have explicit and implicit effect on how each employee relate with one another in terms of communication. A well designed business structure has significant effects to its members. These effects are portrayed based on how members react to changes within their work environment and their ultimate output. Organizational structures which are well planned are easy get accustomed to and enhance collaboration between employees for the best interest of the company (Buhler, 2008). Effective Communication is a crucial tool within an o rganization which enables it to thrive. Authorities are distributed among different level of ranks. For example, a new employee who has just been hired will know where to report and where to seek for help when confronted with a hard situation. Most companies prefer addressing issues affecting the organization through departmental official who is in turn forward the complain or a request to the executives of the companies for subsequent analysis and coming up with solutions. An organizational structure enables the employees to communicate with the authorities following the right channels which have been put in place (Buhler, 2008). A well-built organization design boosts the morale and confidence of its members. Respect is an important value which motivates workers at their work place. Employees need to feel valued by their employers in terms of their contribution in achieving the organizational main objectives. Giving Incentives to the members is an important motivational factor, wh enever they are faced with challenges in the course of their practice. Incentives help them see more opportunities which might enable them to advance in their carrier. Conversely, organization structure might also have a negative impact on the employee spirit and morale (Walker, 2002). For instance, raising salaries for the heads of projects and giving them incentives e.g. bonus while delaying payments of team member salaries, can demoralize the minor employees involved in those projects. How a business is structured to operate plays a crucial role in relation to the level of motivation an individual might have (Klewes & Langen, 2008). Decision making is an important aspect of an organization structure. How fast or how slow an organization makes decisions depend on the efficiency of a company’s executive coordination. For a simple structure composed of the manager who is answerable to the director, the decision making process is faster hence the quick growth. Big companies ha ve a stratum of management. Responsibilities are more elaborate thus it is important to identify the individuals that are the overseers of certain functions and practices of within the company (Puffers, 2004). Productivity of each employee is best evaluated and determined by a well organized organization structure. Supervisors are able to gauge the efforts that are put in by their subordinates according to the work assigned to them. Supervisors are

Friday, November 1, 2019

OUTSOURCING AND OFFSHORING Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

OUTSOURCING AND OFFSHORING - Essay Example In other cases an organization may source or offshore when a process can be completed in a better and cheaper manner when using external providers. Customers just like the sourcing and off shoring companies have a part to benefit. Customers benefit from better products and services that follow increased competition, a factor that also comes with reduction in prices. Out Sourcing and off shoring companies also present several disadvantages for the companies involved. The major disadvantages are Loss of supervisory control of the process, loss of flexibility in responding to the transformations in business situation and the loss of internal and external client focus. These practices also pose the risk of possible loss of confidentiality by the concerned organizations. Out Sourcing and off shoring in many cases is met with lots of resistance from the natives, influenced by their inherent